Places where NSAC Regional Clinics and Associates are Based

ARIZONA: PhoenixCALIFORNIA: Bixby Knolls Long BeachLos AngelesNewport Beach / Orange CountySan DiegoSan FranciscoSanta BarbaraSilicon Valley / San JoseCOLORADO: DenverDELAWARE: Coastal DelawareDISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Washington, DCFLORIDA: South FloridaIDAHO: South Central IdahoILLINOIS: ChicagoIOWA: Des MoinesKENTUCKY: LouisvilleMARYLAND: BaltimoreMASSACHUSETTS: Western Massachusetts Children & Teens MICHIGAN: KalamazooMISSOURI: St. LouisMONTANA: BozemanNEW JERSEY: North JerseyNEW YORK: Brooklyn New York City Staten IslandNORTH CAROLINA: Asheville / Western North CarolinaPENNSYLVANIA: PhiladelphiaPittsburghTEXAS: Houston / Sugar Land

Learn how to become

an Associate or Regional Clinic of the

National Social Anxiety Center (NSAC)


The National Social Anxiety Center (NSAC) exists solely to promote
evidence-based treatment for social anxiety, and education about social anxiety.
NSAC is not a group psychotherapy practice, and does not provide any psychotherapy services.
NSAC assumes no liability for it’s regional clinics’ work or practices.