The National Social Anxiety Center (NSAC) is established with the intent of making the highest quality, evidence-based psychotherapy services to treat social anxiety available to those in need. We aim to do this through the following means:
NSAC and its Board and regional clinics are dedicated to keeping up with the latest research available in the study of social anxiety disorder treatment. NSAC members agree to approach their clinical work with the spirit of learning, experimentation, and willingness to advance the science of social anxiety treatment.Collaboration
NSAC members are committed to sharing their experiences with other NSAC members in order to enrich and strengthen the quality of services we provide. Operating within the context of legal and ethical mental health treatment, NSAC members strive to advance the standard of care for social anxiety treatment by sharing their best practices with each other. NSAC members strive to collaborate with researchers in the field in order to share their clinical experiences, thereby enriching the scientific process.Dissemination to Other Psychotherapists
NSAC members value and commit to providing mental health professionals outside of its organization their knowledge and expertise in the treatment of social anxiety disorder. This education is intended to broaden the quality and availability of treatment.Education to the Public
NSAC members vow to increase the general public’s awareness and understanding of social anxiety disorder. This is done to increase access to services for those in need and to de-stigmatize the public’s perception of social anxiety disorder. NSAC members will strive to do this by giving talks, producing and disseminating articles, videos, and other education materials.NSAC BOARD OF DIRECTORS
At-Large Board Members:
Dennis Greenberger, PhD
-Past President and Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy -Co-Author of Mind Over Mood: Change How you Feel by Changing the Way You Think -Director, Anxiety and Depression Center, Newport Beach, CA -Associate Clinical Professor, University of California Irvine -Clinical PsychologistStefan G. Hofmann, PhD
-President, International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy -Past President, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies -Co-Author of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder -Co-Author of Emotion in Therapy: From Science to Practice -Editor-in-Chief of Cognitive Therapy and Research journal -Director, Social Anxiety Program, Boston University -Director, Psychotherapy and Emotion Research Laboratory, Boston University -Professor of Psychology, Boston UniversityLeslie Sokol, PhD
-Credentialing Chair and Founding Fellow, Academy of Cognitive Therapy -Director of Education, Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy -Co-Author of Think Confident, Be Confident, and Think Confident, Be Confident for Teens -Co-Author of Teaching and Supervising Cognitive Behavioral Therapy -Fellow, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies -Teaching Faculty, Mercy Suburban Hospital, by Philadelphia -Licensed PsychologistDaniel Beck, LICSW
-Director of the CBT and Social Work Training Initiative at the Boston University School of Social Work -Instructor in CBT and social work at the Boston University and Simmons College -Founding Fellow of The Academy of Cognitive Therapy -Clinical social worker in private practice -Has served as research clinician in several CBT research projects, including at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard School of Public Health, and Brigham and Women’s HospitalIrismar Reis de Oliveira, MD, PhD
-Developer of Trial-Based Cognitive Therapy -Founder and Director of the Trial-Based Cognitive Therapy Institute -Founding Fellow of The Academy of Cognitive Therapy -Author of 2 books (including Trial-Based Cognitive Therapy: a Manual for Clinicians), 115 articles, 15 book chapters, and editor of 3 other books, all related to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) -Full Professor of Psychiatry in the Department of Neurosciences and Mental Health, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil -Former Head of Psychiatry Service, University Hospital, at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil“Best of the Counseling and Mental Health Web” Award
Mastering Counseling podcast, United Kingdom
(a show for mental health professionals and students) June 26, 2018.
STANDING UP FOR MARGINALIZED PERSONS: There is rising violence, abuse and discrimination in the United States directed against Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, Muslims, women, LGBTQ persons, immigrants, and other marginalized groups. The National Social Anxiety Center (NSAC) stands for the welfare, dignity and equality of all people, regardless of individual differences and societal standards. In all our clinical and educational work, NSAC stands against racism, antisemitism, misogyny, homophobia and all other forms of bigotry and abuse.